BERGFELD’s attended the 30th annual CNYC conference to present our 5th seminar on “Coping With Hoarding Issues”.Kristin Bergfeld at 30th annual CNYC conference
BERGFELD’s was once again a Gold Sponsor at the annual NSGCD conference.
We have really enjoyed the many speaking opportunities we have had this year and we have more coming up. In June we were invited to speak twice to the wonderful people at the Jewish Family Services of Central New Jersey. We shared with them some of our experiences in helping people burdened by hoarding and traded some insights which were helpful to all of us. They wrote us a very nice thank you letter and we hope that we will collaborate with them on some projects in the future.Kristin Bergfeld with Chris Kaiser of Jewish Family Service of Central N.J.
May is prime time for spring cleaning.  BERGFELD’s was invited to speak to members of the Lenox Hill Neighborhood House in their Spring Cleaning Series.  Topics included junk mail reduction, record keeping, how, who & where to go to make donations and get appraisals.

BERGFELD’s returned to the NAPO National conference this year.  We invited our colleague, Rebecca Eddy of Eddy & Schein, Inc. to co-present a workshop titled: “Aging in Place”: Dynamic Opportunities for Professional Organizers to Serve Elders and Shape a Growing Market.  We were thrilled to have such a great attendance, about 120 joined us to hear us speak about the growing numbers of people over 85 who are choosing to ‘Age in Place’, the widening ‘Care Gap’ of people entering into the field of caregiving, and exploring the possibilities for Professional Organizers to serve this growing community.